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When should I get off my parents/family plan?

February 15, 2021

Getting your driver’s license is a teenager’s first taste of independence. It may seem like the natural next step to purchase your own independent car insurance policy. But until you turn 25, your rates might be unattainably high. Don’t panic just yet, it’s time for you to learn about the perks of staying on your parents’ car insurance policy and I will go over the negative effects this can have as well. While living with family members, it is okay for you to be a part of their family plan but I recommend against it in most instances. To help you better understand the impact on the long term pricing you will pay, which is often something most people don't think about, please see both the Pros and Cons for more information. Let's get into the Pro's first.



When you are financially independent, move away from home permanently, own your own vehicle, and get married, you should most certainly be purchasing your own car insurance policy. You'd be surprised how many 40 something year olds we run into who are still on mom and dads plan. Do yourself a huge favor, get your own insurance, start that history up ASAP and save money over your lifetime of having to be insured. Don't cut corners, it will cost you more in the big picture. Your car insurance rate is based entirely on risk. To insurance providers, age specifically is an indicator of risk because it goes hand in hand with driving experience.

The younger you are, the less experience you have on the road, which means you’re more likely to get into an accident and cost the company money in claims. This is one reason the insurance on your parents’ car will be much cheaper. To mitigate the risk, insurance providers increase the rates for young drivers buying a policy on their own. To younger drivers, this might feel unfair. Unfortunately, annual fatal crash statistics and data back up the assumptions of the insurance companies. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, teens aged 16 to 19 account for the lowest number of drivers on the roads, but are involved in the highest ratio of fatal car accidents compared to all other age groups. Therefore, younger drivers are charged much higher than average car insurance rates. If you maintain coverage history with the same car insurance company on your own, which means you never let your policy lapse or end up temporarily uninsured, the insurance company rewards you with lower rates the more positive history that you build up.

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